Graston Technique

The Graston Technique is a patented form of manual therapy that uses stainless steel tools to perform muscle mobilizations.
Graston Technique as a deeper, more intense version of manual therapy. We use the Grason tools in a variety of ways. We first locate muscle knots or restrictions. We do this by running the tool over your skin to feel for fibrous or scar tissue that may be causing your pain or restricting your movement.
Secondly, we use these tools to break up that tissue to restore your mobility and function.
What conditions can be treated with the Graston Technique?
Achilles tendinitis.
Back pain.
Carpal tunnel syndrome.
Hamstring injuries.
IT band issues.
Knee pain.
Neck pain.
Plantar fasciitis.
Post-surgical scar tissue (once healed).
Rotator cuff tendinitis.
Tennis or golfer’s elbow.
Trigger finger.
Women’s health (C-section scarring or post-mastectomy).
What are the benefits?
Benefits of the Graston Technique:
Quicker recovery time: Helps to decrease your recovery time. Breaking up scar tissue or tension knots in your soft tissue can help promote blood flow. Improved blood flow can help promote quicker healing.
Pain relief: The instruments of this specific therapy treatment break up scar tissue or knots in the soft tissue, which can reduce pain and stiffness.
Medication reduction: Help reduce inflammation and pain, this therapy technique can lessen the need for pain or anti-inflammatory medications.
Shorter treatment time: Going hand in hand with a quicker recovery time comes a shorter time needed for treatment.
Activated nerves: Pressure from the instruments used can help activate certain nerves in the affected area. These activated nerves help your body strengthen and repair muscles.
Improved chronic conditions: Conditions previously thought to be chronic have been helped or resolved with treatment by this treatment.
Cost-effectiveness — Improving recovery time, fewer treatments needed and pain relief lead to lower costs for injuries and conditions that respond to this specific treatment.